Ancorporated in the heart of French Guiana, the UG is mobilising its strengths to support the region while at the same time extending its influence internationally. This dual ambition is embodied in strategic collaborations with academic, institutional and economic partners, helping to strengthen the link between science and society.
Meeting tomorrow's societal challenges
- Responding to the social challenges facing French Guiana and anchoring itself in the region
- Providing French Guyana with pooled research infrastructures and making the organisation of research clear in order to achieve excellence
- Supporting sustainable development and innovation based on the knowledge and know-how of the Amazon and the resilience of its people
- Increase its international profile by positioning itself as the European University of Amazonia.
Partnerships and collaborations
The University of Guyana is setting up partnerships with players in various fields.
Academic players: partnerships with top universities are underway to enable researchers to work in a framework of excellence and to encourage the development of joint research projects and international mobility. These initiatives are helping to raise the profile of the University.
Examples include (but are not limited to): University of Sao Paulo, integration of the UG into CISAM (transdisciplinary and inter-institutional network of 13 federal universities for the integration and strengthening of research groups based in Amazonia) ...
Institutional players: the UG intends to amplify its impact on the region by concentrating its actions around 4 priority themes: Global Health, Biodiversity, Dynamics of Amazonian Societies and Innovative Technologies in order to :
- Strengthening the links between science and society ;
- Promote cooperation with the local socio-economic world as part of its public service missions;
- Strengthen the continuum of education, research, development and innovation.
It has therefore set itself the objective of signing structuring partnership agreements with key players in the region, such as the CTG, the ARS, the CCIG, the CNES, Yana Wassaï, etc.
DIRVED - Direction de l'International, de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Études Doctorales - Université de Guyane, bâtiment L, campus de Troubiran - BP 20792, 97337 Cayenne Cedex