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Informations pratiques

Lhe BU offers a wide range of services for lending and consulting printed and online documents, providing bibliographic information and depositing and promoting your thesis. It provides you with the working conditions you need to complete your studies successfully. Agents are available in the reading room to help you make the best use of these different services.

Sign up

You must be registered to access the library's collections and services.
Registration is valid for the current academic year for students who have paid their UG registration fees.

It is compulsory for UG staff.
It is valid for 365 days from the date of payment.

To obtain your reader's card, please go to the library reception desk with the following supporting documents:

  • Students: You don't need to do anything. Your BU card is your student card.
  • UG teachers and staff: 1 passport photo.
  • External readers: completed and signed registration form + 1 passport photo + 1 proof of address less than 2 months old + 1 proof of "PAYZEN" online payment corresponding to the registration fee (online payment).

The University Library would like to inform you that the opening hours for external reader registration, interlibrary loans (ILL) and book refunds are as follows:

Monday: 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm
Tuesday: 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 2pm - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm


A valid library card is required for all loans. You can borrow books on your own using the "book service" terminals.

  • Licence, UG staff, external readers: 8 books for 21 days
  • Master: £20 for 56 days
  • Doctoral students, teachers and researchers: 20 books for 56 days
  • For all readers: 3 additional DVDs or 3 periodicals for 14 days

Interlibrary loans (ILL)

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows you to bring in documents that are not held by the BU but by other libraries, in France or abroad.

This service is available to all registered users. Requests for documents (books or photocopies) can be made at the ILL office or online via form. The time taken to obtain documents and the method of consultation (home loan or on-site consultation) depend on the lending library.

See the ILL explanatory charter for all the rates and useful information about bringing a document.
Library loans

Requesting a discharge

If you are leaving the UG and wish to enrol at another university, please go to the library with your student card to collect your receipt certifying that you have returned all the books you borrowed.

Please note: This is a definitive procedure. You will no longer be able to borrow any documents once you have received your discharge.
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