Conditions for using the ILL
ILL - Interlibrary loan
University library of the University of Guyana
Contacts : 0594 29 50 63 / 0594 29 50 60
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables you to obtain books, theses and copies of periodical articles held in other libraries in France or abroad.
Pay service part of the postage costs are borne by the user.
Terms and conditions of use
The ILL service is available to :
- Students and teachers at the University of Guyana (UG)
- UG staff members
- Other users registered with the UG library
Loan conditions
Waiting period :
- Demand in France variable depending on place of origin (from a few days to several weeks)
- Application from abroad up to 2 months
Loan term :
The lending library determines the duration and terms of the loan.
- Home loans Access: possible under the conditions of the lending library.
- On-site consultation : mandatory for certain types of documents, in particular :
- Theses, dissertations, special issues of periodicals
- Antiquarian books, rare books or books in poor condition
- Books from abroad
- Any other document, at the request of the lending library
Rates (per request satisfied)
Original documents :
- France (including Guadeloupe and Martinique): €7
- Outside the UK: €15
- Great Britain: €24
Photocopies of articles or chapters (per 50 pages) :
- France and abroad (excluding the UK): €6
- INIST: €10
- Great Britain: €12.50
These rates were approved by the Board of Directors of the University of Guyana on 22 January 2015.