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Egalité des chances

À At the University of Guyana, we are aware that the challenges of student life are not just academic. To succeed fully, it is important to feel supported, both financially and personally. That's why we have social assistance schemes and the Cordées de la réussite to support you throughout your studies.

Social support for your essential needs

We know that some of you may be experiencing financial or social difficulties. The University of French Guiana, in partnership with the CROUS, offers social assistance to ease your burdens. Grants based on social criteria, housing assistance, food support: everything is in place to help you study in the best possible conditions. Don't hesitate to contact the support services to get the help you need.

Cordées de la réussite: support to help you achieve excellence

The Cordées de la réussite are there to support and guide you, whether you are a secondary school pupil or a student in higher education. The aim of this scheme is to strengthen equality of opportunity by offering personalised support: tutoring, mentoring, educational support and guidance. These actions will help you to develop your self-confidence, discover opportunities and aim for excellence in your studies.

Building your success together

We believe in your potential and are here to help you overcome the obstacles. Don't be left alone in the face of difficulties: the university and its partners are there to support you every step of the way. Together, we can build a promising future for each and every one of you.

Need more info?  Contact the Equal Opportunities Department at the PAVE one-stop shop. Open every Wednesday from 9am to 11.30am. Contact:  / Tel :

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