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Lhe "césure" is a period during which students suspend their studies. It is aimed at students enrolled in initial training at the University of Guyana. The gap year can last from one to two semesters within an academic year. During this time, students can gain personal, professional or commitment experience, in France or abroad. The gap year helps students to mature their career choices, develop personally and acquire new skills. Download the documentation.
To do what?
- Training in a field other than that of the course in which the student is enrolled;
- Experience in a professional environment in France or abroad, particularly in the form of an internship not linked to a course of study;
- A civic service commitment in France or abroad (voluntary civic service commitment; voluntary association, international administrative or corporate service, international solidarity; European voluntary service);
- A project to set up a business as a student-entrepreneur.
Your status during the gap year
You retain your student status during the gap year.
Registration fees You must pay the reduced registration fee and the student and campus life contribution (CVEC).
- 116€ Licence
- 164€ Master
- 260€ Doct/HDR
- CVEC: €103
Stock exchange If you are eligible for a grant, you can apply for it to be maintained.
Health insurance Contact your health insurance fund to obtain the information you need to maintain your entitlement.
For how long?
It lasts a maximum of one year and a minimum of one semester, in indivisible periods equivalent to at least one university semester. It begins at the start of the academic semester.
It lasts a maximum of one year and a minimum of one semester, in indivisible periods equivalent to at least one university semester. It begins at the start of the academic semester.
How do I apply?
It lasts a maximum of one year and a minimum of one semester, in indivisible periods equivalent to at least one university semester. It begins at the start of the academic semester.
To benefit from a gap year, you need to make an appointment with the guidance counsellor. The procedure generally involves submitting an application including a detailed project of what the student plans to do during this period. Applications must be submitted between mid-June and mid-July in order to begin the gap year at the start of the following academic year. The project must demonstrate the constructive and formative nature of the gap year. The application is then examined by a committee that assesses the relevance and feasibility of the proposed project.
The gap year may or may not be granted by a committee, which will judge the relevance of the project. If the gap year is approved, an educational contract is signed between the institution and the future student.