Discovered the University of Guyana during its Open Day 7 February !
L he University of Guyana is a public institution with a scientific, cultural and professional vocation, playing a key role in the academic and socio-economic development of the region. Governed by a president elected by the board of directors, the university is organised into various governance bodies. Its training departments offer a wide range of academic programmes in line with market needs. Its research laboratories are involved in innovative, multidisciplinary projects, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the resolution of local and global challenges. Finally, administrative services ensure the smooth running of all activities, supporting the university's educational and scientific mission.
Laurent Linguet
Yolaine Tarade
Chief of staff
Maria Lony
Chairman of the CAC
Martine Sébéloué
Vice-Chairwoman of the Board
Ghislaine Prévot
VP Research
Frédéric Bondil
Joseph Belbrun
VP Students
Rosuel Lima Pereira
VP International Relations
Giulia Manera
VP International Relations
Audrey Débibakas
VP Culture and Campus Life
Ibrahima Dia
VP Partnerships and Professional Training
Christophe Chasseguet