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Lhe University of Guyana is proud to present one of its ambitious projects, "Accelerating the Development of the University of Guyana" (ADUG), which runs from 2023 to 2033. The University of French Guiana has been awarded €2,094,018 in funding from the French National Research Agency in response to the call for projects entitled "Accelerating the Development Strategies of Higher Education and Research Establishments" (ASDER). This support will strengthen two major areas: professional and continuing training, and sponsorship and fundraising.

Objectives of the ADUG Project

The aim of the ADUG project is to transform the University of French Guyana into a benchmark university in Amazonia. It is structured around two major axes:

Strand 1: Development of continuing vocational training

The University of Guyana is keen to develop continuing professional education to meet the growing needs of the local market and enhance the skills of working professionals. In order to achieve these objectives, a new department, the DFPU, has recently been set up, merging continuing education and work-linked training. This department, headed by the University Professional Training Department (Direction de la Formation Professionnelle Universitaire - DFPU), aims to offer flexible, tailor-made programmes to help students integrate and develop professionally. By supporting vocational training, the University of French Guiana offers courses that meet the needs of the market and contribute to the economic and social dynamism of the region.

Section 2: Sponsorship and fundraising

The UG wishes to develop sponsorship and fundraising via its Foundation to strengthen its financing capacity. and to support innovative projects. This component, supported by the University Foundation, aims to establish solid partnerships with companies and institutions, thereby promoting cutting-edge research and quality teaching. By developing these resources, the university can better meet the needs of the community and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

A dedicated team

The ADUG project is led by a dynamic and committed team, whose members are :

  • Project manager : Koulani REZAIRE
  • DFPU team :
    • Vacancy - DFPU Communications Officer
    • Marielle PINEAU - DFPU Marketing and Development Officer
    • Béatrice COVIS - Educational engineering manager
    • Vacancy - Head of financial management ADUG and DFPU
  • Foundation team :
    • Jessica MARCHAND - Marketing and Communications Manager, UG Foundation
    • Moïra YENOT - Patronage, partnership and fundraising development officer for the UG Foundation

Partnerships and Support

The University of Guyana would like to express its deep gratitude to its partners for their invaluable support in the development and implementation of this major project. Together, we are contributing to the development and success of our region.

The DFPU: At the heart of vocational training in Amazonia

The University Professional Training Department (DFPU) at the University of Guyana is the result of a merger between the Continuing Education Department (IUFC) and the University Apprentice Training Centre (CFA-U). It is committed to meeting lifelong training needs in line with the needs of the local economic fabric. To this end, the DFPU offers courses leading to professional qualifications and diplomas, ranging from refresher courses to Masters 2.

Continuing education courses are given priority in the evenings and on Saturday mornings to enable professionals and people with family responsibilities to continue their studies.

As for sandwich courses, they enable students to combine theoretical and practical teaching by developing professional experience in companies.

These two types of training are designed to meet local economic needs and help meet the societal challenges facing French Guiana.

In this quest, the DFPU obtained "FCU" quality certification in 2019, then "Qualiopi" in 2021 as a token of its commitment to the quality of its training courses.

The Fondation Universitaire de Guyane: Heritage and knowledge at the heart of Amazonia

The University Foundation was created following consultation between the University, the socio-economic world, local authorities and civil society, and was approved by the Board of Governors of the University of Guyana in December 2020.

The aim of the Foundation is to collect, manage and allocate resources to finance initiatives carried out by the University of Guyana and its research laboratories. It embodies a pioneering spirit, pushing back the frontiers of knowledge through research applied to our territory, and creatively promoting the natural and cultural wealth of French Guiana.

Our mission is to protect the present while enlightening the future, by taking an active role in resolving the global issues affecting the Amazon and fighting to ensure that everyone has access to knowledge.


Through the ADUG project, the University of Guyana aims to increase its own resources and is committed to becoming a benchmark university in Amazonia. Thanks to the support of the ANR and our partners, we are ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century and offer high-quality, innovative training and research tailored to the needs of our region.


ADUG - Bât. D - Université de Guyane, Campus de Troubiran, BP 20792, 97337 Cayenne Cedex

adug-contact (#25)



Accelerating the Development of the University of Guyana

MFC, Project Manager
Marielle PINEAU
Marketing and Development Officer - DFPU

Béatrice COVIS
Educational engineering officer - DFPU
Marketing and Communications Officer - Fondation UG

Sponsorship, partnership and fundraising development officer - Fondation UG

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