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Bonus engagement

L‘Université de Guyane place un fort accent sur l’Engagement Étudiant, le considérant comme un élément essentiel qui complète la formation académique traditionnelle. Cet engagement permet aux étudiants de se former non seulement sur le plan intellectuel, mais également de se développer personnellement et socialement. À travers les diverses initiatives qu’ils mènent, les étudiants renforcent la cohésion au sein de la communauté universitaire et contribuent activement à l’inclusion sociale.

En s’engageant dans des projets collectifs et en s’impliquant dans la vie associative et citoyenne, les étudiants acquièrent des compétences précieuses qui favorisent leur future insertion professionnelle. En effet, ces expériences leur permettent de développer des qualités telles que le sens des responsabilités, l’esprit d’équipe, et la capacité d’adaptation, des atouts recherchés dans le monde du travail.

L’Université de Guyane reconnaît ainsi l’importance de ces compétences en les intégrant et en les valorisant au sein des parcours académiques, de manière à former des diplômés non seulement compétents dans leur domaine d’études, mais aussi engagés et citoyens, prêts à s’impliquer dans la société de demain.

Valuing Student Commitment

Students can earn bonus points towards their semester average by having their commitment recognised via an online form accessible by QR code at the Student Life Office (BVE).


  • Online form Fill in the form using the QR code available on the BVE.
  • Evaluation The BVE assesses each type of commitment using a specific grid.
  • Commission A committee made up of members of the university community and civil society meets every semester to decide on the award of the bonus.
  • Recognition : The commitment must be in line with article 11 of the General Terms and Conditions for the Control of Knowledge and Skills (MGCCC).
  • Half-yearly application : At the beginning of each semester, students must submit their application and prepare a statement of their commitment.


Types of Recognised Commitment

  • Active voluntary members of an association or student association (excluding political or ideological commitments, governed by the law of 1 July 1901).
  • Elected to the boards of the University of Guyana.
  • Professional activity undertaken by students.
  • Volunteer firefighters.
  • Military activity in the operational reserve.
  • Civic service.
  • Volunteers in the armed forces.
  • Student Entrepreneurs.

Recognition of commitment

Commitment is recognised by the committee, in compliance with the MGCCC, with a bonus of up to 0.5 points on the semester average.

Application procedure

  1. Online form Fill in the form using the QR code available on the BVE.
  2. Sending supporting documents Send the required documents by e-mail, specifying: surname, first name, student number and course.
  3. Submission of forms :
    • 1st half-year: from 9 September to 31 October 2024
    • 2nd half-year: from 06 January to 28 February 2025
  4. Submitting applications :
    • 1st half-year: until 1 December 2024.
    • 2nd half: until 10 May 2025

The University of Guyana encourages all students to become actively involved and to have their initiatives recognised in order to benefit from this recognition.

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