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Discovered the University of Guyana during its Open Day 7 February !

La recherche créer le changement

Lhe University of French Guiana stands out for its cutting-edge research in the unique setting of the Amazon region. With its Doctoral School 587, the university offers doctoral programmes and habilitation to direct research (HDR) opportunities, supporting the development of a dynamic scientific community. Doctoral students benefit from a stimulating working environment, supervised by renowned researchers in a wide range of disciplines, from environmental sciences to medicine and the humanities and social sciences.

The only European Amazonian University

10 years!
A young university

6 laboratories

78 graduates



Platforms and stations


Research at the University of Guyana: excellence and innovation in Amazonian territory

Doctoral School 587 is at the heart of the training of young researchers, offering them high-quality research courses in a multidisciplinary context. The PhD enables students to develop their research skills, while making major contributions to regional and international scientific production. As for theHDRIt enables researchers to qualify to supervise theses, thereby guaranteeing the continuity and excellence of research teams.

The university's research laboratories cover fields as varied as Amazonian biodiversity, tropical ecosystems, public health and social sciences. Drawing on an area of inestimable ecological wealth, the University of French Guiana is developing innovative projects that address the global challenges of sustainable development, health and society.

The University of French Guiana is also a key player in the development of the scientific fabric in French Guiana and the Caribbean region. Thanks to its collaborations with national and international research institutes, it participates in research programmes on a global scale.

Joining the University of Guyana for doctoral studies or research projects means taking part in a collective effort to understand and preserve a unique territory, while providing answers to contemporary challenges.

The university as a player in Amazon research

The University of French Guiana (UG) has established itself as a key player in research in Amazonia. Its vision, focused on excellence and innovation, is supported by a unique scientific ecosystem. Find out how the UG structures its research to meet local and international challenges, while asserting its role as a pillar of sustainable development.

The University of French Guyana's research strategy aims to assert its position as the centre of gravity for higher education and research in French Guyana, coordinating the actions of those involved in research around a site policy and increasing the visibility of research and innovation internationally.

The UG is firmly established as a key player in the implementation of a scientific project shared with all the scientific partners on the site and more widely across the region. With the strength of its research ecosystem, the UG is developing a scientific strategy that is in line with the major challenges facing the region and that is recognised both nationally and internationally.
In the long term, the aim is for the institution to be recognised as the university that studies, protects and promotes Amazon biodiversity, whether human, ecosystem or molecular.


DIRVED - Direction de l'International, de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Études Doctorales - Université de Guyane, bâtiment L, campus de Troubiran - BP 20792, 97337 Cayenne Cedex

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