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Mise à jour le 24 March 2023 à 07:39 am
Direction de l’Orientation, des Stages et de l’Insertion Professionnelle DOSIP

L he DOSIP (Direction de l'Orientation, des Stages et de l'Insertion Professionnelle - Department of Orientation, Internships and Professional Integration) is responsible for welcoming, informing and guiding a wide range of people, contributing to the professional integration of UG students and the inclusion of students with special needs. The DOSIP coordinates four services in synergy: the university information and guidance service (SUIO), the Relais-Handicap (R-H), the Bureau de l'aide à l'insertion professionnelle (BAIP) and the Observatoire de la vie étudiante et insertion professionnelle (OVE-IP).

DOSIP's areas of activity

1. Participates in the development of the UG's information policy and, to this end, is involved in the preparation of documentation on higher education courses and, more specifically, on the institution.

2. Organises information and guidance activities on higher education, taking into account the diversity of the institution's users (full-time students, students with disabilities, working students, foreign students, continuing education students, etc.) and the public it serves.

3. Contributes to the training of professionals on the UG's range of courses and its organisation (secondary school teachers, head teachers, guidance counsellors, heads of establishment, etc.) as part of the information provided to future baccalaureate holders.

4. Helping to inform and guide baccalaureate holders and students about university courses (fairs, visits to secondary schools, open days, immersion days, information about courses, etc.). Immersion days, information on courses).

5. Implements support systems for students with special needs.

6. Is committed to four areas of action: Bringing universities and companies closer together, managing internships, training and informing the university community about the problems of professional integration, and the relationship between universities and young UG graduates.

7. Implements actions aimed at improving the professional integration of UG students, in consultation with the UG's training and research components, services and departments, as well as with players from the socio-economic world.


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Guidance, Internships and Professional Integration Department

Ms Linda AMIRI

Ms Jacqueline MANDE
Administrative and Financial Manager

Ms Isabelle CÉDIA
SUIO and Relais Handicap (HR)
0594 29 50 59

Ms Rudmila PORTUT
Job Placement Office (BAIP)
05 94 29 50 57

Troubiran Campus
Student Life Building G
BP 20792
97337 CAYENNE Cedex

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