Mise à jour le 12 October 2023 à 03:41 pm

Well-being at work is a priority issue at the University of Guyana. There are bodies and mechanisms in place to enable staff to raise the alarm about risks, report any difficulties at work or ask for help if necessary.

Reporting an incident or risk situation

Occupational health and safety register

The Occupational Health and Safety Register is intended for staff and users of the UG and is designed to record any observations or suggestions relating to risk prevention and the improvement of working conditions.

Do you notice a malfunction or failure of a safety installation or device, or a risk situation?

Are you the victim or witness of an accident or incident?

What can be recorded in the occupational health and safety register?.

To report a problem, click here

Reporting PSR

Reporting PSR

 Psychosocial risks (RPS) are defined as "risks to mental, physical and social health caused by working conditions and organisational and relational factors likely to interact with mental functioning" (report by the Collège d'expertise Gollac*).

Six psychosocial risk dimensions have been identified:

  • the demands and intensity of the work ;
  • emotional demands ;
  • lack of autonomy and room for manoeuvre ;
  • the poor quality of social and labour relations ;
  • value conflicts ;
  • the socio-economic insecurity of the situation of

LGU employees who are victims or witnesses of suffering at work linked to an RPS can report it.

To report a problem, click here

This reporting system guarantees strict confidentiality of information.

You can contact the prevention assistant in your work unit, the prevention adviser or a staff representative of your choice on the CSA's F3SCT (link to list of members). These colleagues, who are bound by confidentiality, will provide an initial listening ear and, if necessary, refer you to the UG's listening unit.

You can also enter the UG listening unit which works anonymously and must draw up proposals to improve your working conditions.

Its composition is not fixed and can be adjusted according to the employee's request.

Basic composition of the listening unit :

  • Prevention doctor: Dr DOUCET - CISTC
  • F3SCT Secretary: Marianne PALISSE
  • University nurse: Dominique FORIER
  • An occupational psychologist
  • The DRHM, if the employee wishes to attend Pascale LEGENDRY

The CISTC (Centre Interprofessionnel de Santé au Travail) provides support for employees in difficulty:

  • An occupational psychologist or a prevention nurse is available to see employees by appointment.
  • Telephone service every morning from 7am to 1.30pm on 05 94 25 56 70.
  • Address: CISTC, 7 rue de l'Astrobale, route de Suzini (behind the Montjoly 2 shopping centre).
  • Managers and supervisors are received by Ms Michaëlle Malfleury, an occupational psychologist, every Monday morning by appointment.

*Report by the college of experts on the monitoring of psychosocial risks (2011), Measurer les facteurs psychosociaux du risque au travail pour les maîtriser, Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité, p. 30.

Reporting serious and imminent danger

The register for reporting serious and imminent danger.

A serious and imminent danger is "a danger likely to produce an accident or illness resulting in death or appearing likely to result in permanent or temporary prolonged incapacity" and likely to occur almost immediately (Circular from the Minister of Labour dated 25 March 1993).

Notices of serious and imminent danger are recorded in the special register, the pages of which are numbered and authenticated by the stamp of the CHSCT. The employer is responsible for keeping the special register available to staff representatives on the CHSCT.

Download the reporting form and send it to dgi@univ-guyane.fr

If you notice a serious and imminent danger, the first thing to do is to get yourself and others to safety. Call for help if necessary. Secondly, this type of danger must be reported in writing and entered in the register for reporting serious and imminent danger. You have a duty to report serious and imminent danger. Depending on the circumstances, contact your line manager, the building manager, the DPSI or the most appropriate official.

A health problem?


Contact SUMPPS


Occupational medicine
Regular visits are scheduled by the DRHM. Employees may also request a visit via the DRHM, via their GP, or directly from the occupational health service, which will inform the UG. Employees must undergo a medical examination by the prevention doctor every 5 years. In addition, if they so request from the prevention doctor, they may undergo a medical examination every year. These medical examinations take place during working hours. The administration gives the employee leave to attend.

Regular medical check-ups
Special medical surveillance may be introduced for certain employees (disabled employees, pregnant women, employees reinstated after long-term sick leave or long-term leave, employees occupying posts exposed to particular risks to their health or safety, employees suffering from particular pathologies, etc.).

Medical surveillance
When the state of health of a member of staff so warrants, the prevention doctor may propose adjustments to the workstation or the conditions under which duties are carried out. He may also propose temporary adjustments to workstations or working conditions, particularly for pregnant women. If the administration does not follow these proposals, it must give reasons for its refusal, and the CHSCT must be informed.

Contact occupational medicine:

Cayenne Interprofessional Occupational Health Centre
7 rue de l'Astrolabe,
Route de Suzini,

The referring doctor for the UG staff is Dr Doucet.

The specialised health, safety and working conditions section of the SHA

A specialised committee for health, safety and working conditions (F3SCT) has been set up within the university's social administration committee (CSA).


The F3SCT is a consultative body that involves staff in risk prevention at the university. Its role is to help improve staff health, safety and working conditions.


F3SCT examines issues relating to

  • the protection of physical and mental health, hygiene, the safety of employees in their work, the organisation of work, teleworking, issues related to disconnection and mechanisms for regulating the use of digital tools, and the improvement of working conditions,
  • major development projects affecting health and safety conditions or working conditions, except in the case of departmental reorganisation (CSA powers),
  • Disabled workers and workers injured in the workplace: implementation of measures to make it easier to start work, return to work, stay at work, and adapt workstations.

F3SCT contributes to the prevention of occupational risks and can propose measures to prevent psychological harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based and sexual violence.

It cooperates in the preparation of health and safety training initiatives and ensures that they are implemented.

It gives its opinion on the annual prevention programme, conducts departmental visits, investigates accidents, alerts and reports cases of serious and imminent danger, and requests expert opinions.

F3SCT examines all documents relating to its mission

Regulatory texts

Law no. 2019-828 of 6 August 2019 on the transformation of the civil service, art. 4.

Decree no. 2020-1427 of 20 November 2020 relating to administrative social committees in State administrations and public establishments.

Deliberation no. 2022-018 by the Board of Directors on Thursday 31 March 2022 relating to the creation of the Social Committee and setting the respective proportions of men and women on this committee.

Order no. 2022-222 proclaiming the results of the elections of staff representatives to the Social Committee for the period 2023-2026.

Composition for the period 2023-2026

The CSA SF is made up of representatives of the administration, the prevention advisor and staff representatives appointed by the staff representatives elected to the CSA.

Laurent LINGUET, President of the UG
Pascale LEGENDRY, HR Director
Occupational physician
Dr. Doucet
Prevention advisor

Employee representatives


Full members
Marie-Henriette GAYE
Christophe JEAN


Full members
Marianne PALISSE
Thierry LAUNAY
Théophile MEHINTO