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Discovered the University of Guyana during its Open Day 7 February !

Naëlle, committed to equal opportunities

Par 30/05/2024#!31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:000731#31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:00-12America/Cayenne3131America/Cayenne202431 12pm31pm-31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:0012America/Cayenne3131America/Cayenne2024312024Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -03002312237pmFriday=446#!31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:00America/Cayenne7#July 12th, 2024#!31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:000731#/31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:00-12America/Cayenne3131America/Cayenne202431#!31Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:23:07 -0300-03:00America/Cayenne7#- Portraits6 min. de lecture
Naëlle, engagée en faveur de l'égalité des chances

Our students are our pride and joy. Passionate, serious and committed, they represent a generation that cares about the future. Although dropping out of school is a major concern, students like Naëlle show us that higher education is an opportunity to be seized, a dream that can be realised despite the obstacles.

In a few words, who are you?

I'm 20 years old and come from Kourou. I'm in my second year of law at the University of Guyana. I'm passionate about music and singing. I also love travelling, particularly in South America and beyond, whenever the opportunity arises.

Why did you choose this course?

Ever since I was very young, I've always been very interested in justice. I have found that studying law and legal science is very useful and indispensable in everyday life.

How do you describe your passion for the law?

Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of doing a long degree. I grew up in a single-parent family. I was inspired by my mother, who is a very independent, self-reliant woman. She has always fought for her rights, for what is right, with a keen interest in politics and the legal field. So I can say that I was influenced automatically and logically.

What are your career plans? Do you think this could inspire other young people?

Later on, I'd like to be a lawyer in Brazil, more specifically in Sao Paolo.
To do this, you need to love the law. Unfortunately, many people abandon this path as soon as they reach L1 because it just doesn't suit them. Studying something you don't like would be intellectual torture! It's also very important to cultivate this passion, which often means stepping out of your comfort zone and giving free rein to your dreams.
Nobody in my family has had a long education, least of all in law. So why not become the family's first lawyer?
As far as my career plans are concerned, they're very specific. Once I've got my degree, I intend to work abroad and become a lawyer.

How long have you been a "Cordées de la réussite" tutor?

I've been a tutor since November 2023.

Tell us a little about this scheme.

The "cordées de la réussite" are a series of initiatives set up by schools to promote equal opportunities. The aim of this scheme is to encourage students to aspire to higher levels of education. In French Guiana, 20 schools are involved. The initiatives provide extra support for secondary school pupils, from the 4th to the final year of secondary school. The aim is to help them gain access to higher education by giving them the desire to start studying, so that they can make the best possible start in their working lives.

What is the situation at the University of Guyana?

I'm not the only tutor, other students also take part. There are 17 of us in total, and our tasks are set by the 'cordées' coordinator.

What motivated you?

What motivated me was my awareness of the high drop-out rate in the region. As I mentioned earlier, I've always been passionate about studying. I'm very serious and inquisitive, so it's really important to me. I've come to understand the value of education and all that it can help you achieve. So I want to make young people aware that success depends not just on talent, but also on the effort you put into achieving your goals.

What is your role as a rope tutor?

Our main role is to welcome students to the campus. Some are curious and others are totally discouraged. That's where our role as tutors comes in, by sharing our experiences.

What do you think your experiences can bring to younger people?

My experiences can inspire young people and give them ambition and self-confidence. It's important that they believe in their dreams and their abilities.

Was there any specific training for tutors/ambassadors as part of the Cordées de la réussite programme? How did this training prepare you for your role?

We have had training in coaching and public speaking. These courses are given by Madame WILLIAM via files made available to us.
These training courses have only confirmed my concern about the drop-out rate in French Guyana and the importance of the "cordées de la réussite" scheme.

As a tutor, it's essential to know how to communicate effectively with young people. These courses have given me the skills I need to take on my new role with confidence and preparation.

What is the difference between a tutor and a Cordées de la réussite ambassador?

There's no real difference. We have more or less the same functions. The ambassador represents the tutors at meetings and during exchanges with schools. He or she also takes part in planning the various missions and events.
We have an ambassador, Loana ASJEMEalso a student at the University of Guyana.

Do you believe in this scheme and its values?

I really believe in this scheme. It's a way of stimulating the creation and realisation of many dreams and projects.

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