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Mise à jour le 19 October 2023 à 08:52 am

Component : SJE
Domain: Law
Speciality: Administrative Law
Nature : Diploma course
Type of diploma : University Diploma
Type of training : Continuing education
Output level : BAC + 2 (equivalent)
Location: Cayenne
RNCP sheet
CPF financing : No


The DUAP is a 2-year higher education diploma. It enables students to acquire basic knowledge (legal, economic and methodological), to sit competitive examinations and to gain a better understanding of the workings and organisation of public institutions.

Target skills

  • Use multi-disciplinary scientific concepts relating to physical and/or sports activities (PSA/S), specific motor skills and the physical, institutional, social and human environment to analyse the situation of an individual, a structure or a project.
  • Use tools and techniques to analyse a situation relating to physical activity (collect data using appropriate tools, process and interpret results)
  • Apply theoretical and methodological models to establish a preliminary diagnosis of a situation involving the PA/S
  • Develop elements of design, planning and programming for the evolution or transformation of a situation relating to PA/S
  • Implement the specific tools and techniques of a project or programme linked to the PA/S
  • Organise a PA/S session to suit the audience and the objective
  • Supervise a group physical activity and/or sports session
  • Draw on in-depth personal experience of PA/S practice
  • Ensuring the safety of the public
  • Adjust the session to take account of how it actually goes
  • Use the reference digital tools and IT security rules to acquire, process, produce and distribute information and to collaborate internally and externally
  • Identify, select and analyse critically a variety of resources in their specialist field in order to document a subject and summarise the data with a view to using it.
  • Analyse and summarise data with a view to their use
  • Developing a critical argument
  • Use the different registers of written and spoken French with ease
  • Communicate orally and in writing, clearly and unambiguously, in at least one foreign language
  • Identify and situate the professional fields potentially related to the knowledge acquired in the field, as well as the possible pathways to access them.
  • Characterise and promote your identity, skills and career plan in a specific context


Recruitment level : BAC + 1
Accessible in Continuing education (evening classes)

Admission requirements On the basis of a case study in a number of cases:

  • Holder of a BAC +1 or equivalent.
  • Validation by the VAPP commission for candidates with a BAC and more than 3 years' professional experience in the administrative sector.


This DU in Public Administration is made up of 4 teaching units and a total of 302 hours.

  • UE1 - Fundamental legal courses: Coef: 9; 95 hours of lectures
  • UE 2 - Methodology : Coef : 9 ; 15 hours CM ; 72 hours TD
  • EC2 1 Legal methodology and documentary research: Coef: 3; 05 hours CM; 25 hours TD
  • UE 3 - Complementary teaching : Coef : 12 ; 105 hours CM ; 15 hours TD
  • EU 4 - Optional work placement or voluntary professional action

Assessment procedures :

  • Continuous Controls (CC)
  • Final exam (CT)

Organisation :

  • Asynchronous course 16.00-18.00
  • Evening classes (face-to-face or synchronous) from 6.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
  • Face-to-face classes on Saturdays from 8.00am to 1.00pm

Job opportunities

Sectors of activity

  • Public administration
  • Human health and social work


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Our training courses


University Institute for Continuing Education


DFPU preconfigurator

Administrative and financial department

Administrative assistant

Ms Océane ZÉRO
Management assistant


Education Department

Ms Chelaine CHERUBIN
School & Exams Manager

Ms Murielle Hubert
School & Exams Manager

Logistics Assistant

Reception, Information and Guidance Service

Ms Marlène CECILON
Training consultant
0594 29 07 89

Mrs Angèle SANDOLI
Training consultant
0594 29 99 69



Educational and Training Engineering Department

Financial department

Reception, Information and Guidance Service

VAE/UTL/vacant service

Claims department

logo certification Qualiopi

Certification was awarded for :

  • training initiatives
  • actions enabling the validation of acquired experience
  • training through apprenticeships
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