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Mise à jour le 12 December 2023 à 05:15 pm

We would like to inform you that the next application session for VAE will start at June 2024.

Component : IUFC
Location: Cayenne.


Validation of prior learning in higher education makes it possible to validate skills acquired outside the university system as well as throughout the training system.

At the University of Guyana, there are three procedures available to you, depending on your situation:

Validation of professional and personal experience (VAPP)

References: decree no. 85-906 of 23 March 1985 | decree no. 2013-756 of 19 August 2013

This validation allows a candidate to enrol in a course even though they do not have the required diploma for direct access. It is an authorisation to enrol by dispensing with the required qualification as part of a continuation or resumption of studies. The authorisation may be accompanied by certain waivers of teaching units.

The VAPP allows you to :

  • Meeting the needs and expectations of individuals, businesses and society more effectively
  • Promoting closer links between university education and professional qualifications
  • Offer those who entered working life early a new opportunity to access higher education courses, diplomas or qualifications
  • Optimising training times by taking into account the knowledge and expertise of each individual

Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)

References: decree no. 2002-590 of 24 April 2002 | decree no. 2017-1135 of 4 July 2017

Validation of acquired experience enables a candidate to obtain all or part of a diploma, provided that they can show proof of one year's activity as an employee, a self-employed person or a volunteer, with a direct link to the diploma. All the national diplomas awarded by the University of Guyana and the university diplomas listed in the RNCP are accessible by VAE.

Validation of Higher Education Studies (VES)

References: Decree No. 2013-756 of 19 August 2013

A system that enables students to obtain all or part of a higher education qualification using qualifications already obtained in France or abroad, provided they have been fully validated. The aim is to match a course of study with university qualifications. Studies leading to a knowledge test in a public or private organisation are taken into account, regardless of the method or duration of the test. In the event of partial validation, the candidate is awarded the diploma without having to return to training.

Not all courses are accessible by VES, in particular doctorates, health courses and intermediate diplomas such as the DEUG and the maîtrise. Non-certificate preparation for competitive examinations is not included.



Anyone, regardless of age, nationality, status or level of training, with at least one year's experience, whether continuous or not, in relation to the desired qualification, may apply for validation of prior learning.

It concerns all types of public, regardless of the diploma previously obtained or the level of qualification:

  • Private-sector employees on fixed-term or permanent contracts, and temporary workers.
  • Non-salaried workers (members of a liberal profession, farmers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, spouses of craftsmen or shopkeepers, self-employed workers).
  • Employees of the state, local authority or hospital civil service, with or without tenure
  • Jobseekers, whether on benefit or not.
  • Volunteers with trade union, social or community experience, or anyone with or without a recognised qualification who wants to obtain one or add to it with a view to returning to work.

For candidates with diplomas: DAEU, DUT, Licence or Master.

  1. Pre-registration.
    Pre-registration on E-candidat in June examination of applications by the IUFC then transmission to the DFR.
    Contact the VAE department to fill in a positioning form.
  2. Acceptability of the VAE application.
    The application is sent to the DFR for an admissibility examination at a cost of 50€ regardless of the response. The decision is sent within a maximum of 2 months. The applicant is invited by the manager and his team for an interview (the aim being to encourage the applicant to take part in the support or training programme).
  1. Support in the VAE process.
    Candidates admitted after the interview are included in the VAE scheme. There are two possible scenarios:
  • If the candidate does not require support, he pays: 180€
  • If the candidate agrees to be accompanied, the fee will be between : 800€ and 1000€
  • Third-party financing: VAE scheme 180€ + Support 800€.
  • Personal financing: VAE scheme 180€ + Diploma registration between 170 and €243.
  • Duration of support (24 hours)
  • Pedagogical support and (20 hours)
  • Mentoring (4 hours).

This generally begins with the signing of the support contract and ends with the submission of the complete VAE application; at the latest, on the day of the invitation to appear before the selection board.

  1. Diploma registration.
    There is 1 examination session in June. To defend, candidates must complete the application form and pay the registration fee for the degree they are applying for.

LICENCE : 170€
MASTER : 243€

  1. Validation panel.
    The jury checks and assesses the candidate's professional skills acquired through experience: it verifies whether the skills the candidate has acquired correspond to the skills, aptitudes and knowledge required by the certification reference documents to obtain the diploma. The jury's decision is notified to you in writing and is final.

The jury decides:

  • Full validation.
  • Partial validation.
  • A refusal to validate.

If the validation is partial, the jury specifies the nature of the knowledge and skills that are to be the subject of further assessment. The decision is forwarded to the President of the University, who notifies the candidate.


For personalised support?

  • Individual interviews
  • Group methodology workshops
  • Remote monitoring
  • Help in compiling a validation file and preparation for a jury hearing
  • Support for up to 13 hours
  • A dedicated support team throughout the process


Do you have any questions? Use the contact form below.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

So that we can provide you with an appropriate response:

1. Select with attention your recipient

2. Write your message as precisely as possible.

3. Fill in all the mandatory fields (*)

Our training courses


University Institute for Continuing Education


DFPU preconfigurator

Administrative and financial department

Administrative assistant

Ms Océane ZÉRO
Management assistant


Education Department

Ms Chelaine CHERUBIN
School & Exams Manager

Ms Murielle Hubert
School & Exams Manager

Logistics Assistant

Reception, Information and Guidance Service

Ms Marlène CECILON
Training consultant
0594 29 07 89

Mrs Angèle SANDOLI
Training consultant
0594 29 99 69



Educational and Training Engineering Department

Financial department

Reception, Information and Guidance Service

VAE/UTL/vacant service

Claims department

logo certification Qualiopi

Certification was awarded for :

  • training initiatives
  • actions enabling the validation of acquired experience
  • training through apprenticeships
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