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Mise à jour le 15 January 2024 à 10:17 am

Component : Human and Social Sciences
Domain: Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF)
Speciality: Practice and Engineering in Education, Work and Social Action (PIETAS)
Nature :  Initial training leading to a degree.
Output level : BAC + 5
Location: Cayenne (Troubiran University Campus)
Laboratory: Migration, Interculturality and Spaces in Amazonia Research Unit (MINEA-7485)


Definition of objectives in a few points.

  • In social action and social work, the transition from identifying social problems to finding creative responses necessarily involves an interpretative analysis of society and a knowledge of historical, socio-political, socio-economic, institutional and organisational configurations. The contributions of the social sciences and the study of the construction and characteristics of social intervention will contribute to this.
  • The master's degree is aimed at professionals, volunteers and students who want to help people in precarious situations in their work. Through theoretical and practical contributions, the course provides an opportunity to reflect on and distance themselves from their practices.
  • When it comes to healthcare, reception, care and support are made difficult by multiple vulnerabilities that go beyond the professional, forcing the adoption of an interdisciplinary working method.
  • Particular attention is paid to the balance between contributions from academics and researchers in the human and social sciences (anthropology, sociology, geography, psychology, etc.) and contributions from professionals in the field (lawyers, economists, psychologists, etc.).

Target skills

Analysing, understanding and summarising complex social problems. Analysing and evaluating the responses provided. Taking a global approach, the social worker acts to :

  • improving living conditions ;
  • developing the capacities of individuals and groups ;
  • work with them to prevent or overcome their difficulties;

Social workers make proposals to help develop and implement social policies. Their duties are to :

  • welcoming, assessing and guiding people ;
  • social support ;
  • mediation ;
  • social monitoring ;
  • expertise ;
  • training ;
  • managing projects and working with groups ;
  • networking.

There is a glaring shortage of managers in these various organisations in the department, so the opening of a master's programme of this kind is a genuine response to social demand. This master's degree will provide the department with experts in social policy and action.

Cross-disciplinary skills

  • Child and adolescent psychology
  • Group psychology
  • Sociology of work
  • Sociology of the family
  • Public law

Scientific and technical skills

  • Research methodology

Subject-specific skills

  • Interculturality and social work
  • Project management
  • Medico-social field
  • Public policy and social intervention


Recruitment level : Bac +3 (for Master 1) and Bc+4 (for Master 2)
Accessible in : Initial training

Training required

Master 1 : Hold a baccalaureate (bac+3) or equivalent qualification, or have obtained validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP): DEEJE, DEES, DEETS, DEASS, DE infirmier, etc. have knowledge of social work and social action; have completed the following courses: Education, Work and Training (ETF), Education Sciences (SEF), Modern Literature, Law, Economic and Social Administration (AES), Applied Foreign Languages (LEA), History.

Master 2 : Access to the second year is automatic for any student who has completed the first year of the Master MEEF PIF PIETAS.

Admission requirements

Admission is by application.


Instructions concerning the application procedure are posted on the ESPE website during the annual admissions campaign. Applications and administrative registration are made online.

ESPE de Guyane website :


Master 1

Semester 1

  • UEO 11 Epistemology and Human Sciences, 68 HETD, 11 ECTS
  • PSU 12 Contextual Knowledge 1, 52 HETD, 10 ECTS
  • UEP 13 Contextual knowledge 2, 44 HETD, 6 ECTS
  • UEC 15 LVE and ICT, 24 HETD, 3 ECTS

Semester 2

  • UEO21 Research and Internship, 51 HETD, 10 ECTS
  • UEP 22 Professionalisation, 36 HETD, 9 ECTS
  • UEP23 Law, Health and Migration, 62 HETD, 8 ECTS
  • UEC24 LVE & TICE, 24 HETD, 3 ECTS

Master 2

Semester 3

  • UEO31 Research and work placement, 49 HETD, 8.5 ECTS
  • UEP32 Law, Economics and Health, 39 HETD, 6 ECTS
  • UEP 33 Contextual knowledge 3, 44 HETD, 10 ECTS
  • UEP 34 Multilingualism, Interculturality and Social Action, 37 HETD, 4 ECTS
  • UEC35 LVE, 12 HETD, 1.5 ECTS

Semester 4

  • EC 41 Work placement, dissertation and presentations, 18.67 HETD, 30 ECTS

compulsory or exemption for employees in the social sector (application for exemption to be submitted at the start of the academic year). The work placement is carried out in the second semester in a company, association, local authority, etc. or any other social-related structure. Four weeks of work experience in M1 and M2.

Job opportunities

Career opportunities

This Master's degree will therefore provide experts in social policy and action, with links to education and training issues. The aim of this course is to meet regional and local demand and to feed into initial and continuing training. It is therefore aimed more specifically at careers as study managers, project managers and research managers in local authorities, organisations and associations working on educational issues, and as research managers in training centres.

Sectors of activity

  • Social work
  • Education
  • Mediation


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Our training courses


Institut National Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Éducation (National Institute for Teacher Training and Education)

Mr René-Serge DE NEEF

Administrative and Financial Manager
05 94 27 27 04

Executive assistant
05 94 27 27 89

Ms Louisiane PERREIRA
HR Manager
05 94 27 27 20

Financial Manager
05 94 27 27 21

Ms Mathilde SABAYO
School Coordinator
05 94 27 27 11

Ms Loriane BISWANE
School Manager
05 94 27 27 16

School Manager
05 94 27 27 12

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