The Culture Commission is organising a monthly literary event: the Rencontres Littéraires. This new edition will take place on Wednesday 15 March from 4pm to 6pm in FSC001, on the ground floor of building F. Come and listen to Adryen MONTET, a student at the University of Guyana, who will present his first book Seventeen years and eleven months.
Despite giving up and having suicidal thoughts, he manages to get back on his feet thanks to Antoinette, an old lady who takes him into her home and treats him like a son.
Gradually his being no longer lives among others and Davidy dies socially against his will.
Jealousy and a sense of injustice wound his inflated ego, leading him into a sea of hatred, where his demons become his most loyal friends. The decline is bewitching, but also fatal, as Davidy suffocates and drowns little by little.
His inner hell was murdering and devouring him. On the night of 26 December, the teenager sank into the depths of his gaping wounds...
A few words about the author
Born in Toulouse and living in French Guiana, Adryen MONTET is a student at the University of French Guiana, in the second year of a 3PE degree (Preparatory Course for School Teachers) and aspires to become a school teacher. He spent his entire school career in French Guiana and has a general baccalaureate. This first book, a dark novel, is the first he has written and published by Les Trois colonnes.