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Discovered the University of Guyana during its Open Day 7 February !

Opening of 14 thesis topics at the University of Guyana

Par 17/06/2024- ED5 min. de lecture
Ecole doctorale

The University of Guyana is delighted to announce the opening of 14 thesis subjects, open to French and foreign candidates wishing to pursue their doctoral research at our institution.

C he opportunities cover a wide range of academic fields, providing a stimulating and innovative environment for future researchers. At the end of the selection period, only the 7 best candidates will be awarded a doctoral contract. We therefore invite all passionate and talented candidates to apply and join our dynamic and diverse academic community. Information.

Topic 1: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Mathematical modelling and application in forest management: optimal control, viability and missing data. Project management team: Mr Abdennebi OMRANE, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Mr Joan SALDANA, University Professor (co-supervisor), Mr Loïc LOUISON, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).

Topic 2: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Hydraulic and thermal sensitivity of the Guyanese forest in the context of global change. Project management team: Mr Clément STAHL, CRCN-HDR (thesis director), Ms Sabrina COSTE, Maître de conférence, titulaire d'une ADT (co-director), Mr Niklas TYSKLIND, CRCN (co-supervisor).

Topic 3: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Ecology and conservation of the Jaguar in French Guiana in a context of conflict with man and domestic fauna: a non-invasive genetic approach. Project management team: Mr Erwan QUÉMÉRÉ, Chercheur-HDR, (Thesis supervisor), Mr Niklas TYSKLIND, CRCN (Co-supervisor), Ms Stéphanie BARTHE, Head of the Guyane Technical Knowledge Unit (Co-supervisor).

Topic 4: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Study of the impact of trophic ecology on the composition and activity of the venom of ants in French Guiana. Project management team: M. Jérôme ORIVEL, Directeur de recherche-HDR (thesis director), M. Axel TOUCHARD, Docteur (co-supervisor).

Topic 5: UMR Espace-Dev- Title: Multi-level converters for optimal architectures of stationary renewable energy systems in tropical and isolated zones. Project management team: M. Antoine PRIMEROSE, Professeur des universités, (Thesis director), M. Chabakata MAHAMAT, Maître de conférences (Co-supervisor)

Topic 6: UMR Espace-Dev- Title: Study of urban heat islands (UHI) on the Guyana Plateau using spatial remote sensing. Project management team: Mr Antoine Primerose, University Professor (thesis director), Ms Jessica Bechet, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).

Topic 7: IPG - Title: Identification of biopesticide candidates among bacteria associated with the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Project management team: Mme Mathilde GENDRIN, Chargée de recherches- HDR, (Thesis supervisor)

Topic 8: IPG - Title: Innovative tools for epidemiological surveillance using wastewater: application to emerging Amazonian diseases and pathogens of priority interest in French Guiana. Project management team: Mme Dominique ROUSSET, HDR (thesis director), Olivier ROHR, HDR (co-director)

Topic 9: UAR LEEISA - Title: Jaguars and breeders in French Guiana: relationships that change with the evolution of coastal pastoral socio-ecosystems? Project management team: M. Guillaume ODONNE, Chargé de recherche-HDR (PhD supervisor), Marianne PALISSE, Maître de conférences (Co-supervisor)

Subject 10: UAR LEEISA - Title: Morphodynamics of an estuarine sandy beach under the forcing of a mud bank: the case of Awala-Yalimapo beach. Project management team: M. Antoine GARDEL, Chargé de recherche-HDR, (Thesis supervisor), M. Guillaume BRUNIER, PhD (Co-supervisor)

Subject 11: UR MINEA - Title: "L'espace amazonien, enjeux de pouvoir, de savoirs et de mémoires". Project management team: Mr Jean MOOMOU, University Professor (thesis director), Ms Mylène DANGLADES, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor), Ms Natali Fabiana DA COSTA E SILVA, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).

Topic 12: UR MINEA - Title: Water, issues, powers and beliefs in Amazonia. Project management team: Ms Monique BLERALD, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Ms Mylène DANGLADES, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor), Ms Audrey DEBIBAKAS, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).

Topic 13: UMR QualiSud- Title: Impact of maturation on the lipid and polysaccharide compositions of moucaya pulp (Acrocomia aculeata). Optimisation of nanoformulation processes. Project management team: Didier BEREAU, University Professor (thesis director), Thierry BENVEGNU, University Professor (co-director), Jean-Charles ROBINSON, University Professor (thesis co-supervisor), Elodie JEAN-MARIE, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).

Topic 14: TBIP- Title: Study of veterinary pathogens at zoonotic risk and/or of economic importance in the Amazonian environment. Project management team: Ms Ghislaine PREVOT, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Ms Marine GINOUVES, Doctor (co-supervisor)

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