The University of Guyana is delighted to announce the opening of 14 thesis subjects, open to French and foreign candidates wishing to pursue their doctoral research at our institution.
C he opportunities cover a wide range of academic fields, providing a stimulating and innovative environment for future researchers. At the end of the selection period, only the 7 best candidates will be awarded a doctoral contract. We therefore invite all passionate and talented candidates to apply and join our dynamic and diverse academic community. Information.
Topic 1: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Mathematical modelling and application in forest management: optimal control, viability and missing data. Project management team: Mr Abdennebi OMRANE, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Mr Joan SALDANA, University Professor (co-supervisor), Mr Loïc LOUISON, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).
Topic 2: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Hydraulic and thermal sensitivity of the Guyanese forest in the context of global change. Project management team: Mr Clément STAHL, CRCN-HDR (thesis director), Ms Sabrina COSTE, Maître de conférence, titulaire d'une ADT (co-director), Mr Niklas TYSKLIND, CRCN (co-supervisor).
Topic 3: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Ecology and conservation of the Jaguar in French Guiana in a context of conflict with man and domestic fauna: a non-invasive genetic approach. Project management team: Mr Erwan QUÉMÉRÉ, Chercheur-HDR, (Thesis supervisor), Mr Niklas TYSKLIND, CRCN (Co-supervisor), Ms Stéphanie BARTHE, Head of the Guyane Technical Knowledge Unit (Co-supervisor).
Topic 4: UMR EcoFog _ Title: Study of the impact of trophic ecology on the composition and activity of the venom of ants in French Guiana. Project management team: M. Jérôme ORIVEL, Directeur de recherche-HDR (thesis director), M. Axel TOUCHARD, Docteur (co-supervisor).
Topic 5: UMR Espace-Dev- Title: Multi-level converters for optimal architectures of stationary renewable energy systems in tropical and isolated zones. Project management team: M. Antoine PRIMEROSE, Professeur des universités, (Thesis director), M. Chabakata MAHAMAT, Maître de conférences (Co-supervisor)
Topic 6: UMR Espace-Dev- Title: Study of urban heat islands (UHI) on the Guyana Plateau using spatial remote sensing. Project management team: Mr Antoine Primerose, University Professor (thesis director), Ms Jessica Bechet, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).
Topic 7: IPG - Title: Identification of biopesticide candidates among bacteria associated with the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Project management team: Mme Mathilde GENDRIN, Chargée de recherches- HDR, (Thesis supervisor)
Topic 8: IPG - Title: Innovative tools for epidemiological surveillance using wastewater: application to emerging Amazonian diseases and pathogens of priority interest in French Guiana. Project management team: Mme Dominique ROUSSET, HDR (thesis director), Olivier ROHR, HDR (co-director)
Topic 9: UAR LEEISA - Title: Jaguars and breeders in French Guiana: relationships that change with the evolution of coastal pastoral socio-ecosystems? Project management team: M. Guillaume ODONNE, Chargé de recherche-HDR (PhD supervisor), Marianne PALISSE, Maître de conférences (Co-supervisor)
Subject 10: UAR LEEISA - Title: Morphodynamics of an estuarine sandy beach under the forcing of a mud bank: the case of Awala-Yalimapo beach. Project management team: M. Antoine GARDEL, Chargé de recherche-HDR, (Thesis supervisor), M. Guillaume BRUNIER, PhD (Co-supervisor)
Subject 11: UR MINEA - Title: "L'espace amazonien, enjeux de pouvoir, de savoirs et de mémoires". Project management team: Mr Jean MOOMOU, University Professor (thesis director), Ms Mylène DANGLADES, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor), Ms Natali Fabiana DA COSTA E SILVA, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).
Topic 12: UR MINEA - Title: Water, issues, powers and beliefs in Amazonia. Project management team: Ms Monique BLERALD, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Ms Mylène DANGLADES, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor), Ms Audrey DEBIBAKAS, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).
Topic 13: UMR QualiSud- Title: Impact of maturation on the lipid and polysaccharide compositions of moucaya pulp (Acrocomia aculeata). Optimisation of nanoformulation processes. Project management team: Didier BEREAU, University Professor (thesis director), Thierry BENVEGNU, University Professor (co-director), Jean-Charles ROBINSON, University Professor (thesis co-supervisor), Elodie JEAN-MARIE, Senior Lecturer (co-supervisor).
Topic 14: TBIP- Title: Study of veterinary pathogens at zoonotic risk and/or of economic importance in the Amazonian environment. Project management team: Ms Ghislaine PREVOT, University Professor (thesis supervisor), Ms Marine GINOUVES, Doctor (co-supervisor)