Domain: Science and technology
Mention : Life and Earth Sciences degree (SVT)
Speciality: Biology-Geology
Nature : Initial training leading to a qualification
Output level : Bac + 3 (180 ECTS)
Location: Cayenne (Troubiran campus)
To enable students to acquire and progressively develop skills in Life and Earth Sciences through courses in Biology, Biochemistry, Geology and Environmental Sciences, with a strong focus on teaching and environmental careers.
- Passing on knowledge by mobilising students' scientific knowledge.
- Helping students to build their learning path.
- Create gateways to facilitate further study in the sciences (professional bachelor's degree, master's degree, preparation for competitive examinations).
- Liaise with research bodies, institutions, associations and companies to facilitate integration into the world of work.
Target skills
Cross-disciplinary skills
- Developing skills linked to the characterisation of living compounds and earth materials.
- Taking part in conferences and carrying out bibliographical research into scientific issues.
- Writing and supporting an end-of-study report.
- Read, understand, write and express yourself in English, Portuguese...
Scientific and technical skills
- Follow scientific protocols in the laboratory or in the field
- Analyse and interpret scientific results and provide food for thought.
- Use and apply the fundamental mechanisms and laws associated with different subject areas (e.g. computing, statistical analysis, laboratory techniques, cartography).
- Use laboratory equipment and teaching aids to develop a scientific approach.
Subject-specific skills
- Acquire precise knowledge at different levels of organisation of living organisms (molecules, cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems) and of the Earth System (chemistry, minerals, rocks, earth envelopes, globe).
- Understand the interactions between biodiversity and the physical parameters of the environment.
- Classify the specific features of animal or plant species within the framework of systematics.
- Describe and identify the Earth's materials.
- Understand the internal structure, dynamics and evolution of the Earth.
- Reading and drawing up a geological map.
- Translate, interpret and present scientific results through tutorials and practical work.
Recruitment level : Bins
Accessible in : initial training.
Training required :
- Scientific baccalaureate
- Bac STL
Admission requirements :
The SVT degree is aimed at motivated students wishing to develop their knowledge in the fields of biology and geology.
Registration form:
Administrative and pedagogical support for the Science and Technology Department.
Semester 1
- UEO 1.1 : Scientific culture and practices, 52h, 6 ECTS
- UEO 1.2 : Exact sciences, 176h, 11 ECTS
- UEO 1.3 : Natural Sciences, 80h, 6 ECTS
- UEC 1.1 : Cross-disciplinary subjects, 72h, 7 ECTS
Semester 2
- UEO 2.1 : Life Sciences A, 120h, 9 ECTS
- UEO 2.2 : Life Sciences B, 48h, 5 ECTS
- UEO 2.3 : Earth Sciences A, 20h, 2 ECTS
- UEO 2.4 : Earth Sciences B, 22h, 3 ECTS
- UEO 2.5 : Exact sciences, 88h, 6 ECTS
- UEC 2.1 : Complementary teaching, 52h, 5 ECTS
Semester 3
- UEO 3.3 : Biology of organisms, 92h, 11 ECTS
- UEO 3.4 : Biochemistry BG 1, 98h, 9 ECTS
- UEO 3.5 : Geology BG 1, 50h, 5 ECTS
- UEC 3.1 : Complementary teaching, 60h, 5 ECTS
Semester 4
- UEO 4.1 : Biochemistry BG 2, 80h, 11 ECTS
- UEO 4.4 : Geology BG 2, 68h, 6.5 ECTS
- UEP 4.3 : Discovery, 62h, 6.5 ECTS
- UEP 4.4 : Amazonian Environment BG, 30h, 1 ECTS
- UEC 4.2: Complementary teaching BG, 60h, 5 ECTS
Semester 5
- UEO 5.3 : Biochemistry 3, 86h, 9 ECTS
- UEO 5.4 : Physiology, 46h, 5 ECTS
- UEP 5.2 : BG Environment, 60h, 5 ECTS
- UEP 5.3 : Geology BG 3, 48h, 6 ECTS
- UEC 5.2 : Complementary teaching BG, 60h, 5 ECTS
Semester 6
- UEO 6.3 : Biology, 120h, 11 ECTS
- UEO 6.4 : Geology, 86h, 14 ECTS
- UEP 6.2 : Work placement, 5 ECTS
Compulsory 6-week work placement in L3 (second semester). This 6-week work placement in initial training alternates between a company, a laboratory, an association or a school in the field of scientific research.
One-week field camps are organised in L2 (UEP 4.4: Environnement amazonien BG) and L3 (UEO 6.4: Géologie).
Job opportunities
Career opportunities
- Preparation for competitive teaching exams.
- Environmental professions
- A privileged gateway from French Guiana to the LP Métiers des Ressources Naturelles et de la Forêt (Natural Resources and Forestry Professions), with courses in Water and Waste Management and Treatment (GTED) and VALOrisation des REssources du Sous-Sol (VALORESS) offered by the University of French Guiana.
- Research and analysis laboratory technician; environmental technician; geology technician.
- Consultant in risk management related to the environment, the proliferation of organisms and the exploitation of natural resources.
- Preparation for Masters degrees in Environmental Sciences and Ecology.
- Project developer working to enhance biodiversity.
Sectors of activity
- Teaching.
- Developing processes for exploiting bioresources and subsoil resources.
- Management of the environment and natural spaces.
- Regional planning.
DFR Sciences and Technologies
Mr Ahmed ABBAS
Mr Louis Jérôme LEBA,
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Olivier TIERNY
Deputy Director
Administrative and accounting manager
T 0594 29 99 49
Ms Annaëlle PAMPHILE
Schooling Manager
T 0594 29 99 22
Mr Louis-Georges MARMOT
Schooling Manager
T 0594 29 99 25
SVT degree
Mr Louis Jérôme LEBA
Mr Alexandre CASANOVA
Director of Studies
Mathematics degree
Mr Abdennebi OMRANE
Head of Maths degree
Head of 3PE course
Mr Bechtel POMPEE
Director of Studies
Director of Studies
Engineering Sciences degree
Olivier TIERNY
Head of SPI bachelor's degree
Head of Mechanics and Materials
Computer science degree
Ms Jessica BECHET
L2 Referent
Director of Studies
LP Natural Resources and Forestry
Mr Arnauld HEURET
LPGC Civil and Construction Engineering in the Intertropical Zone
Mr Ouahcène NAÏT-RABAH
Master's in Civil Engineering (in partnership with CNAM Paris)
Mr Ouahcène NAÏT-RABAH
Master in Energy (with the University of Montpellier)
Chabakata MAHAMAT
Masters in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
Ms Sabrina COSTE
Masters in Chemistry and Life Sciences
Jean-Charles ROBINSON
Troubiran Campus
Bât. C - 2nd floor
Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm by appointment.