Component : Science and technology
Domain: Natural Resources and Forestry (LP RNF)
Speciality: Water and Waste Management and Treatment (GTED)
Nature : Diploma and sandwich course.
Output level : BAC + 3
Location: Cayenne (Troubiran University Campus)
To train specialists involved in organising the collection, transport and treatment of water, sludge and waste.
Objective 1: Transmitting scientific and technical knowledge, enabling students to deepen their knowledge and skills in specific professions or to develop a second skill.
Objective 2: Promoting access to employment through interaction with professionals and experience in the world of work (tutored projects, work placements).
Objective 3 : liaising with professionals (research bodies, institutions, associations, companies) to facilitate integration into the world of work.
Target skills
- Follow scientific protocols in the laboratory or in the field.
- Analyse and interpret scientific results and provide food for thought.
- Use and apply the fundamental mechanisms and laws associated with different subject areas (e.g. computing, statistical analysis, laboratory techniques, etc.).
- Master the tools, techniques and processing procedures needed to understand and analyse geographical, cartographic or satellite information.
Cross-disciplinary skills
- Developing skills linked to the use of new technologies for analysing chemical, biochemical, biological and geological compounds.
- Taking part in conferences and carrying out bibliographical research into technical issues relating to the environment and the management of water, sludge and waste.
- Writing and supporting an end-of-course report.
- Read, understand, write and express yourself in English.
Subject-specific skills
- Master the knowledge, tools and techniques needed to characterise natural tropical environments in the form of climatological surveys, geological, geographical and pedological characteristics and characteristic surveys of a catchment area.
- Knowing how to analyse hydraulic development problems and set up stormwater and wastewater management and sanitation systems.
- Assess the drinking water needs of a local authority and know the methods for quantifying the resource.
- Acquire techniques and know the state of the art in terms of elimination and recovery or transformation of waste while minimising risks.
- Use techniques and know the state of the art in wastewater treatment.
- Acquire a basic understanding of the concepts of energy saving and renewable energies so that they can be adapted to water and waste management and treatment structures.
- Be informed about European regulations on environmental protection.
Recruitment level Bac + 2
Accessible by initial training and VAE; opens to sandwich courses at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year
Training required Bac + 2 (L2 de licence, DEUG, BTS, BTSA, DUT, DEUST, other Bac + 2)
Admission requirements The LP RNF-GTED is aimed at motivated students with prerequisites in Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences.
Admission is by application. Applications must be submitted via the eCandidat website ( Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students.
Registration Contact the DFR Sciences and Technologies teaching unit. The Water and Waste Management and Treatment (GTED) speciality of the RNF LP is open every other year, alternating with the VALORESS speciality.
The LP RNF-GTED will open at the start of the 2022-2023 academic year.
Semester 5
- UE0: Harmonisation (50h; 5 ECTS): biology, geology, chemistry, physics, mathematics
- UE1: Amazonian environment and subsoil (140h; 15 ECTS): geology, pedology, hydrogeology, hydrology, water quality, environment and pollution.
- UE2 : General culture (110h; 10 ECTS) : English, Geographic Information System, Project management, Legal and economic environment, Documentary research and expression techniques.
Semester 6
- UE3 : Water Management and Treatment (140h; 12 ECTS)
- UE4 : Waste Management and Treatment (80h; 6 ECTS)
- UE5 : Tutored project (5 ECTS)
- UE5 : Work placement (7 ECTS)
Compulsory 12-week work placement in a company, association, local authority, etc. This work placement is offered to students in consultation with professionals. Each student is supervised by a company placement supervisor and is monitored by a teaching supervisor. During the work placement, students write a dissertation and present it to a panel of judges.
Job opportunities
Career opportunities
- Wastewater and sludge treatment site manager ;
- Drinking water production or purification plant control manager ;
- Head of waste services ;
- Project manager or technical manager ;
- Environmental technician...
Sectors of activity
- Design offices ;
- Local authorities ;
- Water distribution and treatment companies ;
- Waste treatment companies ;
- Hydraulic dam ;
- Analysis or research laboratory...
DFR Sciences and Technologies
Mr Ahmed ABBAS
Mr Louis Jérôme LEBA,
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Olivier TIERNY
Deputy Director
Administrative and accounting manager
T 0594 29 99 49
Ms Annaëlle PAMPHILE
Schooling Manager
T 0594 29 99 22
Mr Louis-Georges MARMOT
Schooling Manager
T 0594 29 99 25
SVT degree
Mr Louis Jérôme LEBA
Mr Alexandre CASANOVA
Director of Studies
Mathematics degree
Mr Abdennebi OMRANE
Head of Maths degree
Head of 3PE course
Mr Bechtel POMPEE
Director of Studies
Director of Studies
Engineering Sciences degree
Olivier TIERNY
Head of SPI bachelor's degree
Head of Mechanics and Materials
Computer science degree
Ms Jessica BECHET
L2 Referent
Director of Studies
LP Natural Resources and Forestry
Mr Arnauld HEURET
LPGC Civil and Construction Engineering in the Intertropical Zone
Mr Ouahcène NAÏT-RABAH
Master's in Civil Engineering (in partnership with CNAM Paris)
Mr Ouahcène NAÏT-RABAH
Master in Energy (with the University of Montpellier)
Chabakata MAHAMAT
Masters in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
Ms Sabrina COSTE
Masters in Chemistry and Life Sciences
Jean-Charles ROBINSON
Troubiran Campus
Bât. C - 2nd floor
Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm by appointment.