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Component : ESPE
Domain: Arts, Humanities and Languages / Humanities and Social Sciences / Sciences and Technology
Mention : Teaching, Education and Training Professions - Primary Education
Nature :  Initial training leading to a degree.
Output level : BAC + 5
Location: Cayenne (Troubiran University Campus) and Saint-Laurent du Maroni.


  1. Enseigner le créole (aimed at speakers of Guianese Creole, it prepares them for the special competitive examination)
  2. Languages of French Guiana (open to all students with no language pre-requisites)
  3. Schoolteacher speaker (aimed at speakers of Nenge(e) Tongo and Kali'na who wish to obtain a licence to teach these languages as regional languages)


The course meets the various objectives of a Master's degree by offering training in research and professionalisation, while at the same time meeting the needs of the reform of the ESPEs. The course aims to develop five skill blocks: subject-specific, didactic, research, professional context and professional experience.

  • Preparing for the CRPE civil service entrance examination for school teachers
  • Going professional
  • Develop a multi-disciplinary theoretical and didactic knowledge base
  • Developing the theoretical fundamentals combined with observation, accompanied practice or responsibility placements
  • Develop knowledge of the school environment in French Guiana and of French Guiana in general (geographical, cultural, linguistic and social environment of the department)

Target skills

Cross-disciplinary skills

  • Mastering the French language to teach and communicate
  • A good general knowledge
  • Acting ethically and responsibly as a public official
  • Designing and implementing teaching in the various subjects taught at school
  • Mastering ICT
  • Work as part of a team and cooperate with the various education partners
  • Organising class work and assessing students

Scientific and technical skills

  • Knowledge of the education system
  • Information and communication sciences
  • Child psychology
  • Multi-disciplinary training with a view to versatility at school

Subject-specific skills

  • Didactic training in the various subjects taught at school


Recruitment level : Bac +3
Accessible in : Initial and continuing training

Training required

Anyone with a bachelor's degree or 3 years' higher education is eligible to apply.

Admission requirements

Specific admission conditions apply only to VAP85 applications and to the M1 sandwich course.


Instructions concerning the application procedure are posted on the ESPE website during the annual admissions campaign. Applications and administrative registration are made online.

ESPE de Guyane website :


Master 1

Semester 1

  • UE 1 Acquiring a common professional culture, 22h, 5 ECTS
  • UE 2 Humanities at school, 105h, 10 ECTS
  • UE 3 Science at school, 83h, 10 ECTS
  • UE 4 (languages of French Guyana) Languages of French Guyana, multilingualism, plurilingualism, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 4 (Creole path), Commentary and translation, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 4 (PE speakers), PE speakers 1, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 5, Complementary teaching (LVE and digital education), 30h, 3 ECTS

Master 2

Semester 2

  • UE 1 Taking account of students' diversity, 28h, 5 ECTS
  • UE 2 Humanities at school, 78h, 9 ECTS
  • UE 3 Science at school, 54h, 6 ECTS
  • UE 4 Professional experience, 58h, 5 ECTS
  • UE 5 (French Guiana languages) Intercultural approaches, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 5 (Creole course), Interview based on audio or written documents, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 5 (PE Speakers pathway), PE Speakers 2, 18h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 6, Complementary teaching (LVE and digital education), 30h, 3 ECTS

Semester 3

  • UE 1 Being a player in the educational community, 46h, 6 ECTS
  • UE 2 Designing tools for the classroom, 108h, 12 ECTS
  • UE 3 Project pedagogy: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, 18h, 9 ECTS
  • UE 4 Complementary teaching (LVE and digital education), 30h, 3 ECTS

Semester 4

  • UE 1 Being a player in the educational community 2, 28h, 3 ECTS
  • UE 2 Research (dissertation), 6h, 10 ECTS
  • UE 3 Professionalisation (work placement), 6h, 5 ECTS
  • UE 4 (French Guiana languages path) Introduction to a French Guiana language, 24h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 4 (Creole path), Teaching Creole, 24h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 4 (PE speaker path), PE speaker accreditation, 24h, 2 ECTS
  • UE 5, Complementary teaching, 54h, 10 ECTS

Work placement (compulsory) 

  • Optional observation period in S1 (except for M1 sandwich courses)
  • Supervised work placement in S2 (specific scheme for M1 sandwich courses)
  • M1 sandwich course: 1/3 field time for the whole year
  • Accompanied practice placement in M2 for students who are not civil servant trainees
  • M2 trainee civil servants: half-time in the field for the whole year (including various placements)

Job opportunities

Career opportunities

  • School teacher
  • School teacher qualified to teach a regional language (Guianese Creole, Nenge(e) Tongo, Kali'na)

Sectors of activity

  • National education, primary level


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Our training courses


Institut National Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Éducation (National Institute for Teacher Training and Education)

Mr René-Serge DE NEEF

Administrative and Financial Manager
05 94 27 27 04

Executive assistant
05 94 27 27 89

Ms Louisiane PERREIRA
HR Manager
05 94 27 27 20

Financial Manager
05 94 27 27 21

Ms Mathilde SABAYO
School Coordinator
05 94 27 27 11

Ms Loriane BISWANE
School Manager
05 94 27 27 16

School Manager
05 94 27 27 12

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