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Component : DFR SJE
Domain: Law
Speciality: Environmental rights
Nature : Environmental rights on the Guiana Shield
Type of diploma : University diploma.
Type of training : Initial training (distance learning) or continuing education.
Output level : BAC + 5 (equivalent)
Location: distance learning - Cayenne
CPF financing : No


The aim of the University Diploma in Environmental Law on the Guiana Shield is to contribute to the training of professionals or future professionals in environmental law applicable in French Guiana, on the Guiana Shield and in Amazonia.

The areas of expertise envisaged are varied, since the course offers, from both a national and an international perspective, a comprehensive approach to environmental issues, notably through town planning law, business law, criminal law, civil liability law, forestry law, extractive industries law (mining law), as well as through the prism of anthropology and ethnobotany.

Target skills

Cross-disciplinary skills

Acquiring specific and territorial legal knowledge in the field of the environment, developing or extending research skills, knowledge of French, European and South American institutional and political frameworks in the field of the environment, mastery of French legal lexicon for foreign students.

Scientific and technical skills

  • General environmental law, environmental law and its specific features in French Guiana, the legal environment of the Guiana Shield, research methodology and writing a dissertation.
    Subject-specific skills
  • Environmental law, town and country planning law, international law, comparative law, anthropology of law.


Recruitment level : Bac +4
Accessible in : Continuing education and initial training (distance learning courses).

Admission requirements :

On the basis of a case study in a number of cases:

  • Students with an M1 or equivalent degree in law or environmental studies.
  • Employees or jobseekers, returning to education and/or undergoing professional transition in the region with a 4-year higher education qualification or equivalent in law or related to environmental professions.
  • Validation by the VAPP commission (Validation of Professional and Personal Experience)
    An application review committee examines all applications, including those from candidates who do not have the required academic qualifications but who have a wealth of experience.


The teaching provided within the course :

- General environmental law (UE1)

- Sources, principles, instruments
- Town planning and environmental law
- Business and environmental law
- Environmental criminal law
- Civil liability and environmental law

- Environmental law and its specific features in French Guiana (UE2)

- Biodiversity law
- Forestry law
- Extractive industries law
- Cultural and legal pluralism (anthropology and ethnobotany)

- The legal environment of the Guiana Shield (UE3)

- Environmental rights in countries bordering French Guiana
- Regional international institutions and the environment (for Europe and South America)

- Dissertation and research methodology (UE4)

- workshops/scientific and educational follow-up

Job opportunities

Career opportunities
Designed as a French-language legal training course in international, French and comparative environmental law as applied to the Guiana Shield, the DU DEPG aims to :

- to provide training for all professionals seeking continuing education in this field,

- train students in the various legal systems involved in environmental law,

- contribute to the emergence of professionals, lawyers, researchers and experts in this field,

- contribute to thinking about environmental protection on the Guiana Shield,

- meet specific research or study needs in a specific regional professional context (through the compulsory dissertation required to obtain the DU).

Sectors of activity
- Managers in the public and private sectors (local authorities/public administrations, town planners, industry and property sectors, associations, etc.).

- Liberal professions (lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, etc.).



Updated on : 08/12/24 à 12:04


University Vocational Training Department


DFPU preconfigurator


Administrative assistant
T 0594 29 50 80


Continuing education


Ms Béatrice COVIS
Educational engineer
T 0594 29 79 05

Ms Chelaine CHERUBIN
School & Exams Manager
T 0594 29 99 66

Ms Murielle Hubert
School & Exams Manager
T 0594 29 99 63

Logistics Assistant
T 0594 29 99 60

Welcome and guidance

Ms Marlène CECILON
Training consultant
T 0594 29 07 89

Mrs Angèle SANDOLI
Training consultant
T 0594 29 99 69

Work-linked training (CFA-U)

Corporate Relations Officer
T 06 94 20 92 37
Educational secretary Cayenne / Kourou
T 0594 29 99 67 / 05 94 32 80 09
Teaching Secretary - Cayenne
T 05 94 29 99 76

Marketing and communications

Ms Marielle PINEAU
Marketing and Development Manager
T 0594 27 27 48

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Certification was awarded for training courses, courses enabling the validation of prior learning and apprenticeship training courses.

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