Component : LSH
Domain: Arts, Literature and Languages
Mention : Tourism and leisure
Speciality: International Manager of Leisure, Hospitality and Travel Facilities (RISLAV)
Nature : Diploma and sandwich course.
Output level : BAC + 3 (180 ECTS)
Location: Cayenne (Troubiran University Campus)
RNCP file : 29983
The aim of this vocational degree, specialising in "International Manager of Leisure, Hospitality and Travel Facilities", is to train trilingual, directly operational professionals with a good general knowledge to enable them to adapt quickly to the various jobs in the tourism industry. This is a 3-year degree, with a standard initial training course and a vocational training contract.
Target skills
The LP Tourism and Leisure trains professionals capable of :
- to study the coherence of the development of a tourism product with the international market and the company's strategy;
- develop a marketing strategy for tourism products;
- organise and lead a multicultural team and take charge of a tourism project abroad;
- advising customers and carrying out day-to-day sales and reservations;
- managing and marketing leisure and accommodation facilities in France and abroad;
- managing and operating tourism projects
develop a genuine e-tourism strategy
Recruitment level : Bac +2
Accessible in : traditional initial training and continuing education.
Training required :
Bac + 2 (L2 de licence LEA, LLCER, BTS Tourisme, BTS Commerce Internationale, DUT TC...).
Admission requirements :
The LP Tourism and Leisure is aimed at motivated students with a good level of language skills who have passed the selection tests.
Registration form:
Administrative on E-candidat from the University of Guyana website.
A) For students on standard initial training courses
- 17 weeks of face-to-face classes at the universitý from September to the end of January from 2pm to 8pm.
- Professional conferences
- A 150-hour tutored project to be carried out as part of a team and submitted in September
- Compulsory six-month work placement in a non-French-speaking country in a company, association, local authority, etc. This work placement is offered to students in consultation with professionals. Each student is
- Supervised by a company tutor and monitored by a teacher. The work placement involves writing a dissertation and presenting it to a panel of judges.
B) For students on professionalisation contracts
- 30 weeks of face-to-face classes at the university from September to June, from 4 pm to 8 pm
- Professional conferences
- A 150-hour tutored project to be carried out as part of a team and submitted in September
- Life in the company: The Head of Training and the trainers organise the progression table for the lessons and activities expected in the company.
- of its activities in a report to be submitted in September
Hourly volume :
- The course is 488 hours long, with approximately 30% of the classes taught in English and 1/3 in hybrid.
- The courses are structured into major or minor and professional teaching units (U.E.).
Assessment method
Continuous assessment
Job opportunities
The LP Tourism and Leisure offers opportunities in the following sectors and professions:
- in the travel industry (TOs, incoming operators, distribution networks) as forfeiters, sales representatives, buyers, negotiators, destination managers, marketing department, etc.
- leisure facilities: residence managers, sales staff, customer service, accommodation managers, entertainment team managers, etc;
- passenger transport companies
- convention centres (sales and marketing departments)
- institutional structures: Comité du tourisme, etc.
- the hotel industry (sales, reception/booking, tourist services, group services)
Updated on : 08/12/24 à 11:17
DFR Humanities and Social Sciences
Ms Isabelle COUMERT
Deputy Director
Mrs Françoise ASSELAS
Administrative and Financial Manager
Tel.: 0594 29 97 01
Ms Jennifer CALIXTE
School administrators
Tel.: 0594 29 99 23
Ms Virginie LANCREOT
School administrators
Tel.: 0594 29 99 20
Head of languages
Ms Giulia MANERA
LEA English/Portuguese degree coordinator
LLCER English Coordinator
Bachelor of Arts Coordinator
History degree coordinator
Coordinator of the Professional Heritage Licence
Troubiran Campus
Bât. F - 2nd floor.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8am-12.30pm.